Special Issue: One Hundred Years Thinking the Tractatus

DISPUTATIO. Philosophical Research Bulletin (Madrid, ISSN: 2254-0601), is pleased to announce the publication of the Special Issue: One Hundred Years Thinking the Tractatus.

DISPUTATIO. Boletín de Investigación Filosófica (Madrid, ISSN: 2254-0601), se complace en anunciar la publicación del número especial: Cien años pensando el Tratactus.


Kurt Wischin
Preface: One Hundred Years Thinking the Tractatus
[en] | Resumen | Texto Completo

Sanford Shieh 
What could be the Great Debt to Frege? or Gottlobius ab paene omni naevo vindicatus
[en] | Resumen | Texto Completo

Leila Haaparanta
Wittgenstein’s Limits of Language and Normative Theories of Assertion: Some Comparisons
[en] | Resumen | Texto Completo

Marco Ruffino
Stalnaker’s Assertion and Wittgenstein’s Tractatus 2.0211
[en] | Resumen | Texto Completo

Michael Potter
How substantial are Tractarian objects really?
[en] | Resumen | Texto Completo

Juliet Floyd
Wittgenstein sobre la ética: trabajando con Lebensformen
[sp] | Resumen | Texto Completo

Alberto Voltolini
Intentionality in the Tractatus
[en] | Resumen | Texto Completo

Pasquale Frascolla
Contingentismo vs. necesitismo: el punto de vista del Tractatus
[sp] | Resumen | Texto Completo

Gilad Nir
«In a certain sense we cannot make mistakes in logic» —Wittgenstein, Psychologism and the So–Called Normativity of Logic
[en] | Resumen | Texto Completo

Ulrich Metschl
Logic in its space. Wittgenstein’s philosophy of logic in the Tractatus
[en] | Resumen | Texto Completo

Kurt Wischin
Frege y el joven Wittgenstein sobre las leyes de inferencia. Epílogo a TLP 5.132
[sp] | Resumen | Texto Completo

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